Saturday, July 10, 2010

things are going GREAT!!!

I've been a bit of a bad blogger lately, i've been pretty busy, but I will try to write more often.  Well, its been a bit over 2 months since his surgery, and Lincoln is just sky rocketing - literally!!!  Its amazing how much has changed!!  I had him standing alone for like 3 seconds the other day.  He is moving all around the house - still doing the army crawl, but he is ALL OVER! Anyone thats been to our house will know that its VERY open concept, so its hard to confine Lincoln into staying in just one room - he always seems to go for the dogs water dish... argh...  His eating has made a drastic change - as he has gained 2.5 pounds since his surgery - and likely MORE :)  He loves to eat!  He has taken a hate towards formula, so he is now on homo milk and LOVES IT!  The pediatrician said she couldnt hear the heart murmur when she listened to him, which is exciting news, and says that he looks GREAT!  The physio therapist says that she wont have to do much work with him as he is doing very well :)  This is all great news!  We've been back to sick kids on July 02 where another sedated ECHO was preformed, and I just got the results from the cardiologist - his note read - no, no, no, no, normal, excellent, excellent, normal NO MURMER :)  PLUG in place!  I cried of happy thoughts when i got it yesterday!  I am SO happy for Lincoln!!!!  2 more sedated ECHOs have yet to be preformed, but just as routine, one at 6 months from procedure, and 18 months from procedure day.  Its just too bad they have to sedate him - as he HATES that, oh well... While doing my research on Down Syndrome - I have found that there is actually a different growth chart for children with Down Syndrome - which puts Lincoln in the 75th percentile...which i find more comforting than the 4th percentile!!  Everything is looking up these days, which is exciting!  We are busy at least 2 days a week with appointments whether it be physio, speech or occupational therapy, but after every appointment, I get more ideas on how to get Lincoln reaching his FULL potential!!
Thanks for reading :)


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