Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The lucky few

Ever wonder if maybe its you who is one chromosome too short?  That Lincoln doesn't have an extra, but you are missing one?  I thought about this for a while, but then shook my head. I don't count chromosomes, and I don't want you to either.  I just want you to look at Lincoln as one of the lucky few - the lucky few who can put a smile on just about anybody. People for the most part, are incredible.  The attention that we get when we are out and about is far more positive than negative.  Lincoln is an attention grabber.  And I wont complain about that. Even I'm still drawn to him - and hes my son(but that's not surprising). Before Lincoln i could go about doing my regular tasks without getting a smile out of people around.  Now, I can't go anywhere without getting a smile, or a comment on my children, or a mini conversation in the cracker aisle at the grocery store.  It brings me joy to know all we have to do is walk around, and people smile.  I use to wonder if people would notice - but now I'm glad they do.  We are the lucky few.  We get extra smiles - and i REALLY love that!! God knew exactly what he was doing.  I consider us 'the lucky few' to have received this blessing.  It has allowed me to see the world through a special eye glass, it gives me purpose, and shows me whats truly important in life.  Our hearts have been opened to a life that we couldn't have even dreamed of, and We are truly blessed.  

So, how is he doing... Lincoln is rocking along (but that's not surprising either).  He is really excited to start school in September.  We have gone to three 'welcome to JK' get togethers that the school held, and Lincoln doesn't want to leave.  He loves other kids!!  Always has!!  Just the other day, one of the little boys in his preschool class told me that "I think Lincoln is starting to like me" - meaning (I assume)- His talking is getting better!!  I know kids don't get it, but I think its cute how they want Lincoln to like them, even though he already does. His speech is moving along really well.  I know everything that he says - and he is now putting together 4-6 word (maybe even more) sentences. Even other people who haven't seen him in a while have commented on how well his speech is coming along. We are also working on how to use a flip book (with pictures) to aid him once he starts school in case others cant understand him.  His speech path had to bring in another speech path to 'brag' about how quickly Lincoln caught on.  Lincoln is also starting to catch on to the concept of letters and numbers.  He drew the letter "L" the other day and was so proud of himself!  I try to imagine what his life looks like.  How he can watch Parker draw certain letters of the alphabet on command, and how its taken Lincoln months to perfect the letter L - not only to write it, but to recognize it also.  I wonder what it must be like knowing that some of the things that come so easily for Parker, come not so easy for Lincoln.  But you know what?  He still does it with a smile on his face, He is determined to do it, and He doesn't give up.  The hard work he puts in to things that we take for granted is so inspiring. Which is why we applaud him EVERY DAY!!

I love how Lincoln inspires me.  How he inspires me to blog, and to brag, and love longer and hug harder.  Life is too short, so we have to make the most out of it.  Recently I was asked to write an article for a local Right to Life organization.  I guess my dad missed the time when I told him I was writing an article to be published... because when he received a copy in his church mail box and proceeded to read it, he flipped the page and was shocked -but- proud to see Lincoln.  I know (or hope) even those who don't know me, or my story were inspired by the article.  Every life is precious.  Yes, Down Syndrome is 'different', but it is because its 'different' that makes it so amazing! Life isn't supposed to be easy.  If it was, moments like these wouldn't be so perfect. Right??

Both boys are in preschool this morning, so I thought I would take the time to enjoy the silence, and the thoughts in my head, and blog. We are looking forward to summer.  School will be out for the summer in a couple weeks, and even though we don't have much planned, We are going to make the most of it. 
Thanks for reading!!  :D