Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas to all my readers!  With only 2 sleeps left, I hope you are as ready as I am!  ;)  Its been a while since I have last updated you on how things are here at the Holden House... but I am happy to announce, that we are finally healthy again (knock on wood).   Alot has happened in the past month and a half.  Lincoln had surgery on to get tubes put back in his ears, which went really well, and there were no complications.  This is his second time getting tubes, the first time, however, he had his tonsils and adenoids removed at the same time, so recovery was quite different.  I didn't know what to expect, so I was amazed that he walked out of it as if nothing happened!!  He's such a champion.
We were able to find him another daycare.  Lincoln got signed up for the YMCA morning nursery school program down the road.  We toured a couple daycares in our search, but this one seemed perfect because it only has 7 kids, and runs in the morning 9:30-11:45, so I can continue to work on potty training.  He was supposed to start at the beginning of December, but has been battling illnesses left right and center since the day before his starting day. (Not only Lincoln... our whole HOUSE!! - Its disinfected now... so if you planned on stopping by, you're in the clear ;) )  Lincoln started it with fifths disease - also known as slap cheek, which starts with vomiting, gives you a fever, then a rash that covers your whole face, and most of your body, and the only cure is time... so that was about 4 days.  Then Parker got strep throat, then I got strep throat, then Lincoln had so much fluid oozing from his left ear it was making him feverish - and after 2 rounds of sitting in emerge, he got antibiotics for an ear infection, and has been doing well since, then Mike got strep throat, then I got strep throat AGAIN!!!  Its a good thing the whole house was on antibiotics at the same time, or who knows if we would have ever gotten better!!!  But, we're better, and couldn't be more thankful!!!  So, Lincoln has not started daycare yet, and will start again in Jan. after the holidays.  
Lincoln is starting to talk understandably... and it is the cutest thing ever!  Parker continues to be his little translator also, which is too cute.  Most people (well, most people who know how to understand kids anyways) can understand Lincoln.  He is starting to use sentences... not crystal clear sentences, but we usually know what he is saying which is such a help, especially when it comes to him and some of the funny things he does - not that he does alot of funny things, but when you're not too sure why hes doing something, he is able to tell you why.  He (we) is also (gosh, i hope I'm not jinxing it again....) "POTTY TRAINED"!!!!  I say we because he still doesn't tell me, but he has been wearing underwear during the days and we have a pretty good routine, and he actually listens to me when I tell him to go potty now.  Such a relief.  I prefer just telling him to go potty rather than picking him up to go to the bathroom, struggling with him to get his pants off while hes screaming he doesn't have to go (when he DOES), calming him down while on the potty, and finally getting the waterfall out...Thank the LORD!  
So... last night, before eating dinner, we pray.  And Parker has stared asking questions about Lincoln... as to why he wasn't praying.  We usually sing "Johnny Apple Seed" - with Parker as the leader. Well,  last night, he stopped, and told Lincoln to sing.  I am wondering if this is the beginning of Parker noticing that Lincoln is different.  I thought I wouldn't have this for a couple more years to come.  Although I'm sure i wont struggle finding the right words to say, the thoughts of me saying the wrong thing at the wrong time scares  me.  I haven't really thought about how I would say it, because I have never been in the situation before.  Even Lincolns cousin Zack has never asked (me anyways) why Lincoln doesn't talk.  Zack just talks the same way as Lincoln does when they are together... which drives my sister NUTS!!  lol.
I have also started joining Down Syndrome programs.  I mailed in to my dues to join the London Down Syndrome Association, and have started following a bunch of other mommy and daddy's on instagram who have children with special needs.  I was never exposed to other families or parents who live their lives just as I do - with a child with Down Syndrome, so its very interesting to see and read how others deal with their day to days.  And to be able to ask questions, or comment on how some struggles can be over taken!

So thank you everyone!!  You are so special in our lives even if we have never met before.  Lincoln truly is amazing, and has blessed our lives the way no one or nothing ever could have.

Merry  Christmas!

The Holden's

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Today is a continuation from yesterday, entitled:
Feel sorry for us 
Its interesting how sometimes when you tell someone the news about your child's diagnosis, you hear the sounds awww, or I'm sorry....  It makes it sound like you feel sorry for us. Please don’t feel sorry for us.  We have a fantastic life with our two little guys. We love our life.  We cherish our sons.  Does our life look a little different?  Yes, of course.  We have some added challenges.  But, we wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Treat Lincoln differently
I often wonder if I sometimes treat Lincoln a little differently than Parker.  There are times I “cater to the Down syndrome” so to speak, and let Lincoln get away with attitudes and behaviors that I shouldn’t. I want Lincoln to know that he is held to the same standard as Parker.  To the same standard as his typical peers.  I want him to learn respect, to learn manners, to learn sharing, and to be polite.  He will have the same values, morals, beliefs, and attitudes I teach Parker.  I want him to know that there are consequences for his actions.  Though, the timeline for him learning those things may look a little different.  
Use the “r-word”
I know I’ve talked about this in a previous post... I used this word before I had Lincoln, I used it as part of my vocabulary.  At that point in my life, i couldn't imagine what the big deal was.  I never intentionally used it in a derogatory way, I never used it when I was talking about individual people, and I NEVER associated it with actual disabilities.  It was just one of those words that seemed to fit in certain situations (I have now replaced it with the word “ridiculous”).  After I had Lincoln I immediately stopped using it.  The word took on a whole new meaning for me.  It made me recognize the impact of the word as it took whole new meaning in my context.

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

try to connect

Before Lincoln was born, I had no connection to the world of disabilities.  Had I met someone on the street, in the store, or at church, I would have had no idea how to interact with them.  It is not that I was ever trying to be hurtful, I was just naive because the disability world had never been a part of my experience.  I am aware that many of you who read my blog may find yourselves in the same position. Lincoln may be the first person you have met with a disability, and sometimes you may find yourself wondering what to say, what not to say, or how to act/react.  For those of you who have ever felt this way, I give you this:


Ask questions Asking questions is a great way to start a conversation.  I love talking about Lincoln, about Down syndrome, and about the journey that we are on. If you care to know something, ask! Asking questions is a great way to learn more, and to ultimately better understand and appreciate Lincoln and others who share an extra chromosome. 
Listen Listening goes hand-in-hand with asking questions, but sometimes it can go beyond that.  There are times in everyone’s life when we just need a listening ear.  Sometimes I just need someone to listen to me as I vent about some of the difficulties that come along with raising a child with Down Syndrome and parenting in general. Not looking for someone to solve everything for me, but just to listen as I try to work it out. 
Get to know Lincoln  Lincoln is an amazing little boy!  He has a very distinct, loveable, mischievous personality.  Interact with him.  Play with him.  Communicate with him.  Treat him with the same love and respect with which you would treat any other kiddo.  Do not let him get away with things you wouldn’t let your kids get away with!  You will be surprised at what you will learn.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

I LOVE celebrating difference!

As you may know, Nov. 1-7 is National Down Syndrome Awareness Week.  Something I like to do, is blog frequently all week to raise awareness about Down Syndrome; to help open eyes and educate you that, despite an extra chromosome, individuals with Down Syndrome are the same as everyone else.  I find it is important to help raise awareness to people who don't have the privilege to know someone personally who has Down Syndrome.  That these children and adults have such potential, and are so special to everyone who knows them.  As I have stated before, "God is in the process of changing lives, and a sprinkling of people with Down Syndrome is one way he uses."  I am such a positive believer in this, , because they truely warm hearts, and bring out the best in people.  

I am totally overwhelmed with all of the responses and readers I had yesterday and today on my blog.  It really helps me feel that I am doing my part to help you realize that they are a blessing, a miracle, and a true gift from God.  They may have a learning disability, and look a little different than some of their friends, but they are a walking opportunity for people to be their best.  We realized that attitude is everything, and with the right attitude, anything is possible :)

Parenting is an eye opening, life changing, - worth every minute experience, and the same goes for raising a little one with a little extra :)

I love celebrating difference.

Friday, November 1, 2013


Happy National Down Syndrome Awareness week!!  As per usual, I will try to blog every day, but seeing as I have covered most things in my previous blogs, I might just share an article here and there... as everything will seem repetitive.
Well, its been a while since i have last blogged... and ALOT has gone on since.  We completed a speech block with a group of other boys (as it seems boys are usually the ones who have speech delays...), and that lasted 2 months, once a week.  Lincoln was the oldest in the group, and the other two boys (who didn't have a learning disability) were almost 3 and 2.5.  Lincoln started off being the one who talked the most, but by the end, the other boys were doing really well.  Lincoln did really well too, he is starting to put sentences together, which is so cute. Parker seems to understand him really well, and if other people are around, Parker will translate what Lincoln wants if they cannot understand what he is saying, which is so tear jerking and sweet!  He's a great brother, and is doing such a good job at encouraging Lincoln to hit milestones Parker has already hit.  Parker is potty trained, and Lincoln has weeks where he is potty trained, and weeks where he refuses to go on the potty, so Parker's encouraging words to Lincoln about being able to wear cool boxers like daddy means you're a big boy... and Lincoln will usually go (with a bit of a fight) afterwards.  Its so tough!!  He refuses to communicate about potty training, and usually refuses to go - but i force his pants off, and as soon as he sits on the toilet, he will do a waterfall of pee.  Its tough because I don't know if I'm doing wrong forcing him.  If i DO wait, however, he will hold it until i sit him on the potty, and complain because it hurts when he goes because he has been holding it so long.  Its a long road - but we have confidence that there will be an end to this road at some point in time.  Hopefully sooner than later, though I cant complain about diapers because they are fully covered through Easter seals and ACSD - a disability funding program for children.
 We have met with our new Ear Nose, Throat specialist, and Lincoln will be getting tubes put in his ears again on Nov. 14, because there is fluid that has been sitting there for quite a while, causing mild hearing loss.  No ear infections though, so that's good.  Getting tubes will help to drain the fluid, and help his hearing, and hopefully his speech in the end.
   We meet with our occupational therapist about once every 3 weeks (just started), and we are currently working on self dressing, potty training, drinking out of a big boy cup and getting rid of his soother... (i know... hes almost 5 and still has a soother. tsk tsk tsk.)  I even wrote a book about saying bye bye susu... which the end has a garbage pail, where the soother goes.  I read the book once, and Parker threw his out right away, and never went back, Lincoln threw one out (he has a few)... but had dance parties on his bed - naked ones, til 2 am... in which i gave in and gave it back... we are still working on that.
   I have just pulled Lincoln out of daycare, and am searching for a new one, as my sister has resided from her position, and I didn't feel that they were taking things seriously with me, as in potty training, and drinking out of a big boy cup.  All the other kids drink without a lid, but Lincoln isn't there yet, and I had complaints that he was drinking out of the faucet in the bathroom at daycare (cause the kid was obviously thirsty)  So he will be done on Nov 11, and we will search for a new one.
   I was also asked to be a guest speaker for a ladies group at my parents church about a month ago.  I had about 4 months to prepare, which is good, because they wanted me to speak for half an hour!  It took alot of time preparing, and I was very nervous, but it was a great experience!  I had every ones full attention the whole time, and even brought tears to peoples eyes!  It was so nice to see so many people interested in hearing my story, and connecting with them one way or another. I think its great to get your story out there.  so that those who are not parents of children with special needs can become helpers to our cause, simply by educating themselves, or sharing an article about Down Syndrome, being empathetic, open minded, and open hearted to be able to see the person beyond the syndrome.
   Thanks for reading :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

settling in

We have officially settled into our new home.  One weekend of hard working people, and a week of evening organizing, and our place finally looks and feels like home!  It feels so good to be back on our own with our own little family again (no offense to our old roomies Kristi and Brian....but I'm sure they are glad we are out too ;) ).  Finally got the internet, home phone and tv again!  We were needless to say, a little bored, and I don't think this house could be ANY cleaner!!  We did catch wifi from some neighbour in the back corner of the house, but then they put up a password, so we bit the bullet, and got our own - so now I can blog again.  I can't help but say how much of a life change this is/has been.  If anyone has seen the series "weeds"... and knows the opening tune (little boxes.....) - this song has been stuck in my head since we moved in.  Every time I go out side, or get in the car, or look out a window...boom, the song is stuck in my head again, and I'm not sure if that's ever going to go away.  Its a song about subdivisions, and how every house looks the same - which is where we are now.  We had to put a golf flag in our front flower bed so we would know which house was ours, until we noticed that our neighbours beside us have a car that never leaves their we are now using that as our marker.  Other than not knowing which place is ours, we have been limited to our out door fun.  We have decided to NOT go outside before 9 am on the weekends, we have to keep our windows closed, and the dog is NOT allowed out the front door.  We've heard windows slam in the mornings when we go out side, our windows stay shut so people don't know when I'm getting my rowdy children in trouble, or ignoring their cries for more candy (obviously that would be Parker....), AND we left our front door open while un loading the car, and the dog (our little precious Boston terrier) booked it out the door and attacked another dog being walked by his owner resulting in a very very un happy dog walker.  Roxy IS a nice dog, but shes used to chasing deer and bears, so seeing something she could possibly catch was just too exciting for her, that she didn't listen.  SO... that was all in the first 2 weeks since we have been here.  Life changing - YES.  Nerve wrecking - YES. I miss our acreage!!  and our privacy!!  BUT, Mikes job is going well, and we do have nice neighbours, and are loving being closer to family, and this IS just a temporary plan, so we will adjust accordingly.  Our house in Haliburton is still for sale, if anyone knows anyone who is looking (hint hint).....  We will most likely be doing (another :( ) price drop, just to get it sold, and out of our minds and budget.  Its a little dangerous living in the "city"... i can basically walk to walmart - which isn't good seeing as I used to drive 1.5 hours just to go to walmart!!  But enough about our adjustments and settling in... Lincoln is FINALLY starting speech again tomorrow!!  There has been dozens of phone calls back and forth between the SLP's, but finally all the paper work is in order, and we can get back on track! which is exciting!  He's getting very good at using his words, although Parker likes to correct him alot on how to 'properly' say such words...(Parker - mr. brains we call him... talks to much for a 2.25 year old), Lincoln is pretty understandable!  We have decided that he will continue to go to daycare for another year and start JK the following year.  We feel this is best for him, because he is such a high functioning child with down syndrome - the more help he gets the earlier in life, the further we feel he will go in life!  Its very exciting for me to have the thoughts and feelings that Lincoln is going places because he is doing so well!  There are successful down syndrome people out there, and its very re-assuring!  Lincoln doesn't require an extra person to be with him at daycare, but we were offered one for him to help with the transitioning (which he doesn't have a problem with).  The worker spends 'quiet/nap' time with Lincoln every Tuesday, and says its the best part of his week because he doesn't have to do anything (except fun activities like puzzles and books which Lincoln loves) because he is so easy going!!  Lincoln has a very high interest in learning, and loves challenges! (as much as we love challenging him!)  We have met our new pediatrician, who seems pretty good at what she does, and was shocked that Lincoln hadn't had regular blood work done for his thyroid, and an x ray of his spine to check his vertebrae.  We have done both with NO tears and excellent listening ears on, and both are looking good!  We are so blessed that he is healthy and thank God everyday for the miracle he has given us! 
 - Loving all the Parks around!!

- Water!!! ... loves to swim!!

Thanks to everybody for reading!  Hope you're having a fantastic summer!!

*p.s. we miss everyone in Haliburton!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Decisions Decisions.....

Throughout these past 3 months, we have been put on the spot with decision after decision after decision.  New job offer, do we take it, do we move, do we sell our house in Haliburton, do we rent, do we buy again, do we wait for our house to sell before we buy again, do we buy in town or in the country, do we build or renovate... now that all of those decisions are taken care of... we took the job, we moved in with my sister for 2 months, we listed our house in Haliburton, renting was going to be too expensive so we bought again, bought what we could afford for now until our home in Haliburton sells, a 7 year old raised ranch right in the town of Strathroy with 3 beds, 2 baths and a finished basement.  Not our dream home as we have neighbours everywhere, but something that we are going to have to live with for the next few years until we save enough money to maybe build a house.  If those decisions were not hard enough... I have been struggling to make an even more important decision.  Do we send Lincoln to school this year?  He was registered for JK in Haliburton, i had to un-register him.  I had to register him in Strathroy... but didn't know where as we hadn't had a house until yesterday (confirmed) so it was just a general registration until we found a place.  If we were still in Haliburton we would be sending him to school because the support he got there would continue into the school years.  New to my knowledge here, in the Thames valley District, is that, due to majour cutbacks, once Lincoln starts school, He will no longer receive the support he needs to continue to develop at a average rate.  Speech pretty much stops when he starts school!  Lincoln is so close to talking (i think i say that every time, but for real... we are SO close).  I have had meetings upon meetings with new therapists, social workers, schools etc.  and the other day I was told by a professional that perhaps Lincoln should wait until next year to start JK because if he was in daycare for another year, he would receive full time support from therapists.  Its really got me thinking and wondering if that would be the best thing for him.  He is not yet potty trained (he was, then we moved, and he lost interest again... - but on the plus side, when we showed him our new house, he asked "dad" to show him the toilet because he had to pee... he.has.never.done.that!!!!  so this is exciting).  It will give us another year to work on that.  Lincoln and Zack wouldn't be going to the same school anyways because Zack is going to the Christian School in strathroy - which, with our double mortgage, just isn't going to be affordable this year.  My husband supports whatever decision I decide to make, but am finding it hard to make one.  I do truely believe that he could benefit from another year in daycare - so we can get the support he needs for now, and start kindergarten next year when he has a bit of a vocabulary.  I am open to opinions and thoughts to help me make my decision (which has to be SOON!)

Thanks Everyone :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

one day at a time

I know I have some people missing Lincoln (and the rest of us I'm sure ;) ), so I thought I should do a quick entry to let everyone aware as to whats happening in our lives right now.  We have been living with my sister, her hubby and 2 kids (same age as ours), for the past 3 weeks.  Its busy none the less, but we are actually having alot of fun!  Took a bit to get used to at the beginning with different routines and 8 around the dinner table, but we've got it all figured out now!  Its a good thing there are just as many adults as there are children around here! (for seating arrangement purposes) child, adult, child, adult, child, child.... OK, NOPE, that's not working, adult, child.  Its hectic, but we are used to it, and it IS just short term.  My kids know there are rules around here, and more people to stop them/get them into trouble, so they are behaving ok.  I am still staying at home with my boys, in a house, with too many doors, and too many sets of stairs (we didn't have stairs in Haliburton), so it certainly keeps me on my toes!  Mike is enjoying his new job, which takes him 15 min's to get to.  Putting in long days and learning more - which is great!!  We listed our house up for sale at the beginning of the week, so hopefully it wont be too long before it sells.  We are having a pretty hard time finding somewhere to rent as we only want to do short term, and many people want at least a 1 year contract, but we just keep phoning around, and I'm sure we will eventually find something (a few options are coming up in the middle of June - and it will be nice to be back in our own place with our own stuff.)  We've been watching the market of houses around here, and have a meeting coming up with a realtor to see what options we have and go from there.  I have re-registered Lincoln for kindergarten around here, but its hard to do that when we are not too sure where we will be living, but it shouldn't be a problem as long as we stay in the Thames valley school district.  My sister is the director of a daycare, and so its nice when she has free spots available to be able to take my kids too, also nice when there isnt room for her kids at daycare and she can leave them home with me!  We are starting to get things into action with Lincolns therapists and the transfers of files etc.  We have been a bit delayed with that because of the flooding that went on in Minden, but all in time, things will fall into place I'm sure!  So that's about it for now!  its been the same old same old 'new' around here, and we just keep taking it one step, one day at a time knowing God knows what the future holds.

Thanks for reading!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Things are changing around here.....

What a busy month its been!!  It all started when I took my nephew for 2 weeks... mother of 3, wasn't too bad!  It really made me realize how quick kids grow up!!  Having Zack here was such a treat to not only me, but my kids, and also to Lincoln's daycare!!  It was nice having a kid around who asked for things, or told me what the matter was... but i do think he took advantage of being the only one who could speak to me, because nothing was ever his fault (smart kid).  Zack went to daycare with Lincoln on his daycare days, and the reports that we got back from when he was there were SOOO amazing.  - just on how much different Lincoln acted having his "buddy" there with him!  He was vocal, (usually he whispers to the teachers - for whatever reason...he does that at our speech sessions too until the session is almost over) and he kept trying to use his words, constantly by saying "Zack, come here, wheres Zack" etc.  I cant help but to wonder why he needed a "buddy" from out of town to show his true self!  Hes been with the kids at daycare for a year and a half! That was at the beginning of the month... if it had of been at the end of the month - Zack would not have been the only one to use his words with me.  Lincolns speech is getting so much better!  his "thank yous and pleases" are very clearly understood, and he is talking alot more using real words - not just gibberish!  That being said - about two weeks ago, Parker started talking full time ... with full sentences AND HE'S NOT EVEN 2!!!  "mom, whens supper" "mom, mom, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy.... hi" "mommy, can i have a freezie" to name a few, and I really think it is encouraging Lincoln to try harder to use his words, which is perfect!!  So, now we are into the middle of the month, and we get a text from my dad - with a picture of an add in the paper of a company looking for a truss designer (which is what my husband does).  Being such a great opportunity for him to grow and learn more, he applied, and got the job!!  The job so happens to be back south, so we snapped our fingers and have been extremely busy ever since!  We have 2 more weeks to go here in Haliburton, then we are moving location to the Strathroy/London area.  We are extremely excited for this new opportunity, and to be closer to family and friends!  We are busy getting our house ready to be put on the market, and will be staying with my Sister and Brother - in - law (who conveniently live in Strathroy) until we sell our house and find something of our own.  I truly believe this to be a sign from God, and the timing couldn't be more perfect!  While theres no doubt in my mind that its going to be mayhem around here for probably over a month, getting new therapists, paediatricians, doctors, a new school to enroll in, another daycare to get to know more kids before school starts... Being closer to family and more Down Syndrome support groups is what is in our best interest - for Lincoln, and for our future!  Just a quick blog to update everyone in our plan, but I don't have much time to blog right now because all my packed boxes are being "un" packed... ugh.. kids :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Time keeps flying by no doubt!  A couple weeks ago, we registered Lincoln for KINDERGARTEN!!!  how crazy is that!  Next year is the year that Haliburton is starting full day everyday... which kind of scares me a little bit.  Not sure how things will go, but we will do what is best for Lincoln.  This coming May, we have a case conference with the school board in which everyone working with Lincoln will attend - including his daycare teacher, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, pediatrician, new teacher, and the SERT (special education resource teacher).  Our pediatrician said we have to come up with a reason why we think Lincoln is a danger to himself in order for him to get a full time EA... hmmmm, Ive got everyone trying to think of SOMETHING... cause he's such a good kid, we cant think of anything!?!?  He is progressing quite well these days, and I am pretty sure him and Parker will begin talking at the same time (tho Parker's words come out a little clearer).  Its funny listening to them play with each other - especially when they get upset, because they yell blabbing back and forth to each other until the referee (me) steps in to break things up before someones feelings get hurt.  Lincoln has become a bit of a puzzle addict.  He's so great with encouraging himself to finish it. And don't you dare try to put in a piece for him!!  He is doing 25 piece puzzles ... ALONE!!  Which is pretty advanced - for the typical child.  We have his upcoming ASQ (ages and stages questionnaire) coming up, and the early interventionist stated it was a gold star for a 48 month old to be able to put together a 6-8 piece puzzle.  He's got a couple 9 piece puzzles, but now thinks they are boring.  He will literally - do puzzles ALL DAY.  He's getting better with his balance, but we still don't like him run too fast - he's got very heavy feet, and falls hard if he gets going too fast.  His potty training is ... i would like to say finally almost done, but I don't want to jinx myself.  We have been potty training off and on since July, giving about a 2 month break in between because he simply didn't want to go!  He is now in underwear at home (or pull ups that are dry all day) with next to no accidents.  But every potty break usually takes about 15 mins because he likes to read his books on the toilet.  So hopefully this is it, we just have to teach him to tell us when he has to go - which he's done ONCE... He's pretty good at holding it though, so we just try to get him on every couple hours because he will hold it until he goes on the potty, but sometimes whines when it comes out cause he had been holding it for so long.  He's been staying pretty healthy through this winter, with just two ear infections and one chest infection, all which cleared up within 2 days.  We've been to the dentist 3 times and Lincoln is comfortable with the dentist, and she says his teeth look good.  We've been to the eye doctor too who says he doesn't need to see Lincoln again until hes in grade 3, so everything looks good there!!  Other than that, I'm not too sure anything else is really new with us in the North... we sure are looking forward to summer!!  Which we are signing Lincoln up for School's Cool to help him in the transition to school! There will be more to post after our case conference, so I'll be sure to keep you up to date!  Thanks for reading :)