Friday, October 10, 2014

an EXTRA special touch.

Its unfortunate that people still have a negative view on individuals with Down syndrome.  Sometimes their lives are devalued - saying its "less than human" to live like that.   I attempted to read a blog post yesterday about pro-abortion.  In the title of the article it says "aborting disabled children is 'doing God's work' "  and it goes on saying that being able to stop an ill-conceived gestation is a sacred gift.  I couldn't finish the article, because I simply wasnt interested in reading the rest.  Totally not my beliefs.  Personally, I am pro-life.  I even wrote an article for "right to life" - sharing my views on what life with Down syndrome is really like.

Lincoln is capable of doing anything, and I expect good behaviours from him. I expect that - even though it might take him longer, and it will be more difficult for him to achieve certain things - that he is capable of it, because he achieves new skills all the time! As I have said in past posts, 90% of women who receive an in womb diagnosis of Down Syndrome - STILL - will abort.  Think about that.  Nine out of ten of these babies are never given the chance to live outside of the womb.  Its a shame to know that 9 out of 10 of these parents don't get to experience the joys or witness the 'EXTRA special touch' that tend to come along with these children.

There just seems to be this EXTRA special thing about Lincoln.  He is powerful in his ability to change people.  He has a personality that lights up a room.  He is a people MAGNET, and he gives out the best of hugs.  He has amazing qualities - some that come from the extra chromosome, and some that don't.  I will admit... he has a ridiculous level of cuteness, and he has the ability to charm people.  I think its safe to say that he is a bit of a traffic stopper. He changes perceptions, he changes opinions, he changes expectations, he changes judgements, and he changes hearts.  I know this, because I have experienced it first hand. Thats how I know he has that extra special touch that I could never have imagined.  

Now, don't get me wrong.  You don't need to have Down Syndrome to be able to make a change, or be a special touch on someones live.  You just need a heart that is willing to use your 'extra specialness' to benefit others Lincoln just shows us by example -  that everyone one has something wonderful to offer the world.  

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