Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Dreams can come true.

Happy National Down Syndrome Awareness Month!  

April 18, 2009. 

The day our Down Syndrome journey began - though we had no idea.  The day Lincoln was born was the day that changed our lives.  Our first child was born.  We had new responsibilities, new rules, and a new way of doing things.  HE - CHANGED - EVERYTHING!   Lincoln was an easy baby.  He hardly cried, had lots of smiles, and knew his nights from days.  He drank and burped, soiled his diapers, snuggled and loved way beyond what I thought was possible.  He grew, and he hit milestones.  Life was good.  A vivid memory that always stands out when the struggles started - was the question  "who's eyes does he have".  I now know why this question was asked so often at our numerous clinic visits.  It wasn't until we were referred to a pediatrician that we would discover the miracle that God has intrusted us with.  God has a creative way of working in us.  When Lincolns blood work results came in and how everything happened so quickly. *A Down Syndrome diagnosis, *pneumonia that was present the next day, which lasted *5 nights at the hospital on oxygen, the discovery of the *holes in his heart resulting in pulmonary hypertension - to the day he had *heart surgery... (and this all happened in the time frame of one month - around Lincoln's first birthday). I often think about that time in our lives.  Whatever God's reason behind all of this - He did it right.
We don't see Lincoln as a syndrome.  We see him as a child.  He isn't sick, there isn't something wrong with him, and he does not suffer. He is our first born, and we love him just like you love your child.  Yes, he has Down Syndrome, but that is not who he is.  
I have a dream. A dream that you will see Lincoln as a boy first - instead of the syndrome. A dream that when you see him, your first instinct wont be pity for him or his family, but a smile - to share the joy in the gift we were given.  I have a dream that by sharing Lincolns story I can help you understand that a label can't define him. 
There is so much to celebrate about Lincoln - I decided to do a whole month of it instead of my regular November 1-7 (which by the way is Canada Down Syndrome Week)   Please celebrate with me.  Leave a comment on how Lincoln has touched your life, or share an article.  Lets help raise awareness.  Dreams can come true.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that would be so much to take in in just a months span! Looking forward to reading your posts all month long :)
