Friday, October 3, 2014

brotherly love

I have two boys.  Two boys who I am equally proud of.  Two boys who have a love for life and each other. I do not view them as different, nor do I view them as the same.   Each of their lives are just as extraordinary as the other.  They are like two peas in a pod and  guaranteed partners in crime.  They play amazingly well together,  talk nicely to each other (usually), engage in each others activities, and can laugh like crazy for no apparent reason.  I'm not saying its all butterflies and rainbows with these two.  They also fight for attention, toys, who gets out of the bath first, who gets to wear what clothes,  and who gets control over the ipad.  BUT, that's normal brotherly living.  They share a special bond that I am so thankful for.  I realize that as the years go on, there will be questions to answer, but for now, I am going to sit back and enjoy watching how each one influences the other in a unique way.  They both play an important role in each others lives.  

*Parker is Lincolns voice on the play ground. 
*Lincoln is Parker's 'manners' reminder. 
*Parker makes sure Lincoln is ok with being a certain superhero when they are playing. (no brainer - tell him hes the hulk, and he'll happily play).  
*Lincoln finishes Parker's snack or dinner when they know they should finish their plates before leaving the table.  
*Parker makes sure that when something is wrong, if theres something he can do about it - he will do it.  
Parker has joined in on therapy sessions, and has continued to teach Lincoln many things outside of the therapy room!!  He makes sure his 'S' and 'F' sounds are pronounced properly and that he says his name as P-P-Parker - not Arter.  He continues to tell him how to properly ride a bike, that its important to look both ways before crossing the street, and its always the safest to hold hands in a parking lot.  Don't get me wrong.  They are also partners in crime remember?  They ARE brothers... They run up and down the aisles in the grocery store, say potty words at the dinner table, and tell secrets when they are supposed to be sleeping. They are each others first real relationship, and it will be the longest one they will have. Giving Lincoln a brother or sister is something we were sure would benefit him.  I don't know why the doctors spoke against it... 
Apparently theres a higher risk of having another baby with Down Syndrome if you've already been blessed with one, but that wasn't going to stop us.  Lincoln was a miracle, and if God chose to give us two... we would take it!!  As we all know, siblings are often motivated by each other and we now have two boys who love one another and accept each other for who they are and for the way God created them. 
A Disability is something that sooner or later will touch every body's life.  And I hope if there is someone out there grieving about the loss of their imagined perfect child,  they can find hope.  Because just like Parker, as far as Lincoln is concerned, HE IS ABSOLUTELY SURE HE IS LOVED, AND THAT HE IS AWESOME.  And he is :)

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