Thursday, July 29, 2010

climbing right up on the growth chart!!

Well, we are still keeping pretty busy... yesterday we had a speech therapy class - and Lincoln said his first word - while we were playing with the ball, he said : "ba, ba, baLL"  i was shocked!  and was happy that the speech therapist got to experience it with me :)  Today we went in for a weigh in - not because we're concerned any more, but because everyone misses Lincoln at the Haliburton Highlands Family Health Team, they call, knowing that things must be going great cause they havent heard from us, but wanted to see Lincoln, so we made the trip to pop him on the scale - and HOLY!!  I mean, i know his 6-12 month clothes were getting smaller, but yesterday I noticed they didnt even fit anymore - GO LINCOLN GO!  95th percentile - the growth chart had a line that shot STRAIGHT up!!  So that is so great to know that he is finally back up there, now we just have to convince Dad that we need to go shopping for some new clothes ;)  wish me luck!!
Another thing Lincoln has really picked up on is sign language... He TELLS me when he wants to eat - that is one that he has mastered - he uses it to tell me everything, so we're working on more, and he is getting all done down pat too, which is good, because before when I would ask him if he was all done, he would sign *eating* and turn his head... but now he is getting it down... he sure is a quick learner!!

Lincolns new favourite thing to do is to pull himself up on everything!  he really enjoys standing, which is great to work out his leg muscles!  His bum scoot is faster than a running child, honest - one minute he is here, the next he is creeping over to the dogs water dish to splash.  Keeping me busy!

Our next visit to Sick Kids isnt until January - so they must not be too concerned!  YIPPEE!!!

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