Wednesday, January 5, 2011

that time has come again....

Well, its been about a year since blood work was ordered for chromosomal abnormalities, so i suppose it was about a year ago that our lives some what changed and our trust in doctors grew (though we didnt want to admit it at the time).  When I think back to 2010, i cant help but think of how strong my husband and I have been - with all that we went through during a short amount of time... I still to this day read my first blog entry and cry (maybe because of my hormonal imbalance, but still).  I cry of happy thoughts, and memories that brought my husband and I not only closer to eachother, but closer to our special little Lincoln.  From blood work, to the results on March 2, to the pneumonia that came only 2 days after finding out he had down syndrome, to the hole in the heart that came only 2 days after the pneumonia, to the heart surgery that came 2 months later.  It seems like quite a bit to have to go through in such a short amount of time - but thanks to God, family, friends, and our trust in doctors, we stayed stronger than I ever thought we could!  Which amazes me to this day.

On a better note, we are headed back to sick kids on friday for a 6 month post op check up (even thought its been 8 months) to receive more good news!  Seeing as things tend to be progressing at a rapid rate with Lincoln these days, I'm sure the plug must be doing its job properly :)  He started standing alone - and getting there on his own!  Its only  a matter of time now that he will start walking!! YAY!!  even though i'm sure lugging his 26 lb body everywhere i go is helping me not to pack on the pounds with this pregnancy like i did with Lincoln... it sure is tiresome after everyday!  He got spoiled at christmas by all our families, and we've had to re arrange and designate a special room in the house just to store his toys - its insane!!  now my front room looks like toys r us :S  lucky little guy!  His favourite however is his ball tent - my least favourite of his is his ball tent.  A blow up tent that consists of 250 balls, which get thrown out ALL THE TIME!  It was Uncle Wes's way of starting the torture... even though if a drum set decides to come our way, i will build a shed outside for it, lol.  Other than that, He still isnt saying anything except for BOOO and MOOO and OOOO.  He points at everything that we know he know the words to, and uses some form of OOO to try to say it, its cute.  A dog for example is OO OO OO (for ruff ruff ruff)  santa is O O O (for ho ho ho) ... the best is when he is playing with his farm animals... when he sees the cow, and bursts out MOOOOOO :)  Speech starts again this month sometimes, so hopefully we'll find ways to widen his vocabulary a
little... OO OO OO :) lol. 

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and all the best in the New year! 
thanks for reading!!