Tuesday, September 13, 2011

growing up!!

Its only a matter of time until we become a full time walker!  Lincoln walks almost full time but still falls quite a bit.  I love his own encouragement that he just gets back up and continues walking to where it is that he is going!  We have longed for this day to come - and now we cant stop telling him to sit down.  What a climber!!  He knows when i walk back to the bedroom to put Parker down, that i will be gone for about 45 seconds.  In the 45 seconds, Lincoln will be from reading books on the couch, to sitting on the kitchen table drinking my coffee.  Man oh man, gotta watch him like a hawk!! He has started taking finger food in too, which is a relief now that Parker is starting solids.  I would never know what a warm dinner tastes like :p  And he seems to be doing pretty good!  And soon, I feel he will be changing quite a bit!  He is starting day care part time in October, which will be good for him.  He just loves watching other kids, and playing with them! His communication is getting pretty good (with sign language still) .  He says a few words, like hi - when someone walks in the door, or bye when you're leaving, wow, ouch, wee, da - and almost daddy, mom and a few more. He doesnt talk much, but he sure knows what he wants - dont dare bring out a bag of chips if you dont intend on sharing with Lincoln!  HE LOVES CHIPS!  and the more flavour, the better!  If you want him to sit still for about 10 mins, give him a  dill pickle chip, or all dressed!  he licks all the flavour off, then enjoys the crunch!  he wont even eat plain gold fish any more.  it has to be the pizza explosion flavour.  He has also pretty much given up his naps, which i guess im lucky Parker sleeps through the night, so I dont have to nap anymore - although a little *me* time during the day would be nice too.  Lincoln loves his little brother so much.  When he wants to hold him, he will sign to me either "brother please" or "baby please"  He hugs him, and kisses him, then passes him off.  Its so cute.  Other than that, not much else is new.  We have pretty much had the summer off as far as appointments because most of his workers took the summer off.  So speech and physio and occupational therapy will start again soon this month - and we'll see him sky rocket after daycare im sure!!
Thanks for reading!