Monday, April 2, 2012


Today was a pretty exciting day, besides the fact that both kids woke up FAR too early today, when Lincoln was told he was "graduating" to the RABBIT room at daycare (which is a bigger room, with more kids - his age, and NEW TOYS), the smile on his face was priceless!!  Its like his mood changed instantly!  He did a few trial days a couple of weeks ago, where they emerged both rooms together, and Lincoln seemed to LOVE it (besides the *falling into the toilet on pajama day* day) .....he slept like a baby those nights!  Must be a pretty busy room!!  He usually doesnt nap anymore.  He is a pretty confusing little guy, and very hard to read.  Somedays, he needs a cat nap, and i have to keep it to that (1 hour MAX or he has enough energy to party in his crib til 2 am) and other days, when i wake him up from his nap, hes soo grouchy til the time he goes to bed.  Very hard to read, but he naps every time he goes to daycare - cat we'll see if a cat nap is enough for that busy "rabbit" room!!  Lincoln has been doing great! His early interventionist visits him at daycare about every other week, and is impressed after every visit!!  His physio therapist is happy with his progress, although she would like to see a little more.  Lincoln still doesnt run... but, am I really in a rush to get him to run away from me?  We do his exercises to work on his balance, and its a matter of time - so the race is on! Parker is almost walking, therefore, almost running!  Oh, how the next few months should be exciting!!   Lincoln hasnt had a speech session since the start of the year because his therapist took a year leave of absence to work at a hospital in Hamilton, and they havent replaced her.  Its too bad really, because I think now is the time to have a "block" session.  I have talked to a few people about setting up a session with the five counties speech pathologist in Lindsay, but have yet to hear back.  Ive been thinking about cutting out sign language - although its a great way for Lincoln to communicate with us on what he wants, I know he is capable of saying some words, and when we try to get him to say them for us (he says them at school so i hear), he just insists on signing.  Funny story, we were visiting with my sisters kids, one who is Lincolns age, and one who is Parkers age.  Her boy Lincolns age (Zack) talks a little bit, and when he was telling us a story, we would tell him to tell Lincoln the story, and he would *sign* Lincoln the story.  It was pretty cute knowing that Zack knew that he could communicate with Lincoln in sign language :).  He has stayed pretty healthy, maybe thanks to the multi vitamin i give him every day, or perhaps an immune system that isnt so bad after all!  Unfortunately, Lincoln is back on laxatives :(  after a few days of not so pleasent bowels, and a fever to follow due to a majour back up, we decided to put him back on them.  I thought we had his diet all figured out, but then you get daycare in there, and Lincolns obsession with cheese and garlic bread, its hard to give him enough apple sauce to keep him flowing.  All in all, Lincoln is a happy, typical (almost) 3 year old!! He loves pretend play, silly jokes, climbing on and off things, art projects, and anything else 3 year olds like to do!  He is still a little behind, but he is trying so hard!  Im sure he will learn and pick up a few things in his new room at daycare - and likely all for the better!  Everything is followed by encouragement - a woot woot, or a clap, or a hip hip hurray, and Lincoln will do it again.  Exhausting at times - expecially dinner time, but our way of teaching him that it is good to do things on your own!  Imagine - after every bite, while eating dinner as a family of four, with parker in a high chair nicely feeding himself, Lincoln in his booster seat sitting beside dad, as we cheers forks full of food to get Lincoln to eat, or, after a nice fork full, cheering with our mouths full so he will do it again - yup... still a terrible eater (unless its cheese or pizza or speghetti), but we make due, and try to make it as fun as we can!  Thats what this journey is all about!  Finding ways that work for us, and finding ways to make it as fun as can be!
Happy Easter !!!