Wednesday, May 18, 2011

we've added a new member!

I realize its been a reallly really long time since I have blogged last, but I have been super busy, as you can imagine - with a new member to our family!  Parker Brian Holden was born on April 10, 2011.  A very different delivery than Lincoln - much quicker!  He was born at a healthy 6 lbs 9 oz.  Everything has been going well.  He is breastfeeding quite well - which is a relief - I can retire my pump haha.  Lincoln loves his new brother, and really enjoys giving him kisses and holding him for a brief 5 seconds here and 5 seconds there.  Since Lincolns surgery, he has not snored anymore :)  His hearing has improved (not that we thought he didnt hear well, but so they say).  We had our follow up appointment last week - and the ENT specialist says that everything looks wonderful!!  Lincoln's paediatrician appointment yesterday put him on the scale at a wopping 30 pounds - thats 30 pounds in one arm, and a car seat and a baby in the other arm that I have to lug everywhere I go, which doesnt really bother me - I call it my workout!  Lincoln is now 2 years old - and starting to act like it.  Weather its jealousy from having to share his mommy, or the terrible 2's im not sure, but at least he's getting better.  He has learned quite a bit of new sign language, and is quite capable of understanding everything that I have to say.  He communicates very well using the signs that he knows!  Still no words, (except that ONE time - i swear I heard him say BALL).  His walking is progressing - slowly, but surely.  I was walking out to the garage one day, and turned around to see lincoln following me on his feet!  It was about 13 steps - and then he turned around and walked back to his dad.  But other than that, its just 3 or 4 there, mostly with encouragement.  He will get there soon enough (hopefully sooner than later!!) Otherwise his mowgly walk is his mode of mobility these days (hands and feet walking) Its quite amazing how fast he is - except he doesnt look up when he is doing it, and can often be found running into walls :(   Lincoln's paediatrician also stated at our last appointment that he was a very bright child with Down Syndrome - which Mike and I already know, its just nice to hear it from the Dr.  Other than that, not too much else is new with the Holden Family.  This is just a quick update I skipped my nap today to blog - time for a coffee, thanks for reading - maybe I still have time to get my nap in (ya right)

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