Wednesday, March 5, 2014

spread the word to end the "R" word

You may not be aware of the damage this word can cause when used, So I'm blogging to spread the word on how this word hurts.  TODAY is the day to spread the word, to educate you, that YOU can help make a difference to end the word.  Take the pledge at to put an end to the word.   If not now, WHEN?  if not you, WHO?  It starts with one voice, one person to make a stand.  The word might not be hurtful to you, but it is to me.  Show respect and pledge.

According to the dictionary, the "R" word means : to make slow, delayed, development or progress or an action/process etc; to hinder or impede.
Retarded is an ACTUAL medical term that has been twisted into an offensive slang term. And because Lincoln has Trisomy 21 he automatically fits under the medical definition.  The "R" word has been used widely in todays society to degrade and insult people.  Lincoln, however is NONE of those negative things implied when you casually throw that word around. So next time you are tempted to use that word please stop and ask yourself what you are really trying to say...because the "R" word isnt just a word, it is offensive, and derogative.  Asking people not to use this word is not censorship, or freedom of speech, its about consideration, dignity, and respect for people with an intellectual disability.  When you say “you're a "R" ” you not only risk offending or hurting someone, but frankly you sound unintelligent.  It may seem overly sensitive, but it hits close to home, and I am standing up for not only Lincoln, but everyone else who is being labeled by this hurtful outdated term. I hope we might someday live in a world where the R Word doesn’t exist.  I know that most people mean no harm by it and you may feel its not really offensive because you are using it in a humorous manner, but you're wrong.  Its offensive to say "You're so retarded" So please, dear casual user of the "R" word, remove it from your every day vocabulary.  I will stand up to my pledge, and ask you to join me to please end the word.  I urge you to share this blog, because together, WE CAN.

Please picture this sweet face next time, and pick a different word :) ... because to me, he IS A BIG DEAL!!

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