Tuesday, February 22, 2011

how fast a year goes!!

well, time is just flying by!  in only 51 (or less - fingers crossed) days, Lincoln's baby brother will be here - and i'll tell you, i sure am ready!!!  Lincoln seems to be getting ready too, as he took his first steps yesterday without holding anything!  He is even doing better and taking more and more today!  Thank goodness because he is HEAVY!!  only a matter of time now that the soles of his shoes will get dirty :)   Physio starts again on friday, same as speech (well, speech was supposed to start last week, but Lincoln was sick:( )  and i think i'll request sessions more often.  The last physio appointment we had was Dec. 03, and since then, Lincoln has mastered the Mowgly walk, standing up alone, and now taking steps!!!  its time to get moving!!!  Last week we had an appointment with an ear, nose throat specialist, because i've noticed Lincoln starting to snore a little bit - and occasionally stop breathing for a few seconds while he is sleeping.  The Dr. noticed he had very large adenoids, and very large tonsils... he also noticed he had fluid in his ear just sitting there.   So i am likely getting a phone call this week sometimes regarding an appointment time at sick kids to have these issues addressed. We arent having a hard time with this decision,  maybe because he has been through so much already, that getting his adenoids removed is something *normal* for children at his age.  So i guess we will be back to sick kids before the year is up, but THEN, hopefully that will be it!!!  I have titled this blog how fast a year goes, because it was one year ago on March 02 that we found out Lincoln had down syndrome.  But as i mentioned in my last blog, it had been the best year of my life!!

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