Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tonsillectomy & Adenoidectomy

Well, as we celebrate another birthday for Dad, it seems some what the same as last year.  We were leaving the hospital last year once pneumonia cleared up, and this year, we are headed to the hospital in preperation for tomorrows tonsil and adenoid surgery.  Poor Mike, at least his attitude is good saying its just another day. (and at least he doesn't have to work lol).  I got a phone call today from sick kids saying they had an opening tomorrow to do the surgery - WOW, short notice - hello - i live in Haliburton, not exactly around the corner from Toronto... so i phoned Mike to see what his thoughts were.  We decided that now would be the best time if any - before our hands are TOO full with another baby.  This way I can put all my time towards Lincoln while he is in pain and recovering (at home) for the next 10 days.  I have phoned my mom to come and hopefully help do my housework, so we'll see if she's up to it.  They let me know that they spoke with the cardiologist prior to booking Lincoln in, and his pulmonary hypertension is not a concern anymore with an anesthetic. (few) That was my biggest concern.  Hopefully he will recover well, and we wont run into any other complications.  The surgery is a one hour procedure, where they will also be putting tubes in his ears to help the fluid drain properly so he doesn't have much hearing loss (now his hearing loss is mild so they say).  And we will be spending one night - we'll see how much sleep I get in a couch bed in a hospital room - wonder if they have more options...seeing as i'm 8 months pregnant. lol.   Well, heres to hoping everything goes well tomorrow, and Mike has a better birthday next year!
Thanks for reading!

-the Holden's

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