Tuesday, November 1, 2011

National Down Syndrome Awareness week

Today marks the first day to national down syndrome awareness week.  I am making it my goal to have a new blog post every day to try to raise awareness about how special Lincoln makes our lives!  The thing about Down Syndrome, is that it is not like cancer or diabetes where organizations primarily raises money to find a cure.  You cannot erase an extra chromosome from every cell in the body and therefore, Down Syndrome will never have a cure.  Likewise, it has always existed.  So the National Down Syndrome Society instead, seeks to promote awareness and equal opportunities for individuals LIVING with Down Syndrome.  In my own small little world, i feel Lincoln has all the same opportunities as every other child out there!  Not only has he blessed our every day since his diagnosis, He has also opened up our eyes about what it is like to raise a child with a special need.  What do i want/expect people to do?  CELEBRATE!!  This week is to celebrate the contributions that individuals with Down Syndrome have made and to recognize that they have abilities and ambition like any other!  Raising Lincoln has made us stronger people, and has also made us bless every day with what comes with it!  I have huge expectations for Lincoln, and for that, I work very hard at seeing he meets the goals that I want him to accomplish.  To make him realize, that just because he has an extra chromosome, doesnt mean he can't succeed in what ever his dream for the future may be!!  While our lives have been spent aside hospital beds, Dr. visits, and therapy thru five counties, we cherish every moment and milestone!  We also look at it as a great way to get educated!  Many parents wouldnt understand what it is like to raise a child with Down Syndrome, perhaps they wouldnt even try to imagine, but I can tell you, that Lincoln's diagnosis has changed our lives!  Not for the worse, but for the better!  We appreciate life, and live with a smile on our faces knowing that our son is special.  Knowing about what is expected thru the life of Down Syndrome is exciting!  Wondering when he would start walking, wondering when he would say his first word, wondering what he will do or be like when he gets older - just like every other parent - but with a much more rewarding out come!  We work so hard to hit these milestones.  They might take just a little longer than average, but we hit them!  And when we do... we praise God!  We praise Lincoln, and we praise ourselves!  We did it!  its quite exciting to say the least!  I also like to talk about it.  Some people may feel that talking about a special child is something they like to keep to themselves, but i'm trying to raise awareness - awareness that Down Syndrome is something to be celebrated, not something to be embarrassed, shy, or confused about - which is likely why God chose us to raise Lincoln!

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