Sunday, November 4, 2012

The "R" word

Being a mother of a child with down syndrome, i am fully aware of the politically correct lingo that should be used.  Its a child "with" down syndrome, NOT a down syndrome child. And there are words that are not supposed to be said - with "retard" topping that list.  In October, as I am sure many of you are aware of the tweet Ann Coulter put on twitter. She refused to apologize for calling President Barack Obama "the retard". When Piers Morgan tried his best to pull an apology from her, she  insisted she had nothing to apologize for since her remark was not directed at the community of mentally disabled individuals who were offended by the tweet. "I was not referring to someone with Down syndrome," said Coulter. "I was referring to the president of the United States." "I didn't call the president a Down syndrome child," continued Coulter. "I used the word retard the same way people use idiot or moron." I want to help raise awareness that using the word retard(ed) is disrespectful, dehumanizing, and very hurtful.  What is the definition of the word "retard"?  According to Merriam-Websters it is : to make slow, delayed development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede. Retarded is an actual medical term that has been twisted into an offensive slang term. And  because Lincoln has Trisomy 21 he automatically fits under the medical definition of “retarded”. He is however NONE of those negative things implied when you casually throw that word around. So next time you are tempted to use that word please stop and ask yourself what you are really trying to say. It might even be a good exercise to increase your vocabulary, and that’s always a good thing!  So, if you make a typo or drop a plate, perhaps you could say “oops, I’m quite clumsy today”. If you miss your turn maybe, “Oh dear, I’m so absent minded this afternoon”. If you forget a birthday, “I apologize. I’m really thoughtless and forgetful.” If you’re at a complete loss you can always fall back on “I’m such a cotton-headed ninny muggins”. When you say “I’m a complete retard” you not only risk offending or hurting someone, but frankly you sound unintelligent.  It may seem overly sensitive or maybe just something you’ve never even considered.  I know that most people mean no harm by it. You may feel its not really offensive because you are using it in a self - depreciating or humorous manner, but you're wrong.  Its offensive to say "I'm so retarded" So please, dear casual user of the "R" word, remove it from your every day vocabulary.  Picture this sweet face next time you do something stupid, and pick a different word :)

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