Tuesday, November 6, 2012

what it's like.....

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. You may not get it.  You may wonder why God picked you, or feel upset.

Then you will realize that God has a plan for everyone. He just gave you a miracle -  and you can give something that goes beyond any circumstance, any health issue, and physical need.  You can give LOVE!

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. You may feel like you did something wrong.

Then you will realize that this precious miracle was given to you to fill a place in your heart, and you will be so blessed to have this experience.

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you may feel overwhelmed with all the signing up you have to do, for early intervention and other services available, and you may spend hours on the phone and internet researching anything and everything.

Then you realize how blessed you are to have so many helping hands to maximize potential.

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you may worry that your child wont meet certain milestones at the same pace as other children their age.

Then you realize after every milestone is reached, that its such an accomplishment!  You may work really hard reaching them, but when they are reached it so much MORE rewarding!
What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you may feel like you're always in the Dr. office or hospital or another appointment.

Then you realize that you're being the best mom you can be for your baby.

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you may always think people are muttering behind you, or pointing or starring.

Then you realize that most people are well meaning, and you cant get upset at someone for not getting it, because it wasn't too long ago that you didn't "get it" either.
What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you may feel like things will never be the way they used to be.

Then you realize they won't - they'll be much better!  You'll still enjoy all the same things, but with a smile on your face and a heart full of joy.

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you will see the world in a different way.  Your eyes will be opened to a kind of love that brings light and sunshine to your day, and you will cherish every moment.

What its like to have a child with Down syndrome…. you will open the door to a beautiful secret, but I cant tell you or it wouldn't be a secret.  You might not see it right away, but you will know when you find it :)

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