Sunday, October 5, 2014

adjusting perspectives

This month is for everyone out there who still has no clue about what Down Syndrome is. Its a chance to tell you that it isn’t something to be afraid of – that Lincoln is not sick, or stupid. He doesn't have a disease, disorder or defect. He isn't affected by it, or suffering from it. It doesn't require treatment or prevention. He isn't always happy - this makes him seem somehow less human. Truth is, he displays all types of moods, happy, silly, funny, angry, whiny, stubborn and yes he cries. Even though Lincoln has Down Syndrome, also doesn't mean that he is like someone else who happens to have Down Syndrome. Everyone is different, and unique in the way God intended them to be.
It would seem to me, that the children in Lincoln's class see him for him. They don’t know what Down Syndrome is nor do they know what a chromosome is. All they know is that Lincoln is fun and a good friend who just happens to be difficult to understand at times. Its important to enlighten your views on those who may appear to be different.
A huge bit of news can change you. But you won't always think about the 'diagnosis', nor will it be something that weighs heavily on you. It may leave you some what hopeless for what this new life has in store for you, but it won't take long before those thoughts are replaced with hope. These days I am amazed with how much hope I have. Hope for Lincoln's future, for his take on life, and his ability to do whatever he sets his mind to. He has provided me with a new perspective, a new way to love, and a deeper appreciation for the little things.


  1. Good grief, that class picture...He is so stinkin cute!!

  2. I'm glad to hear he is doing well at school with the other kids :) I knew he would!
