Monday, October 13, 2014

....let it be

Today, in the car on the way home, I could help but to glance in my rear view mirror... while trying to keep the kids awake as they watched a movie in the back seat.  The smiles and laughter got me thinking about everything I was thankful for.  I was thankful for that moment.  I was thankful for today - but no more than any other day.  We joined my parents for a Thanksgiving day church service.  Thankfully,  the kids sat pretty well for the whole hour.  At one point - they were asked to collect the non perishable food items from the back of the church, and bring them to the front.  Lincoln and Parker gladly helped... except Lincoln thought maybe he would sneak a few bags in our church pew.   It was a cause for laughter as people watched, and it made me realize something.  Maybe I am more flexible and patient.
I live in the moment, and  I adapt to certain situations.  Was that where the bags of food belonged?  It didn't matter.  People noticed, but they know Lincoln...  and because they know Lincoln, they're focused on his radiant joy - the joy that he just got groceries from the back of the church,  and was sharing them with the people he loves.  He was proud of himself.... so I let it be... (and no, I didn't take the bags home...)  His uniqueness is only an aspect of what makes him who he is.  Theres a beauty in celebrating everyone for who they are.  As a mom, I love the gift of being able to help my kids become exactly who they are supposed to be - and the best - that they can be.  A families love is the best indicator of a childs success.  Thats where the magic starts... right in our own home.   Many of the decisions
we make are based on what we are supposed to do - or what everyone else does, but Lincoln has encouraged me to think a little differently about everything in life.  Maybe I should have put the bag back right away, but I didn't.... and thats only because we already do things a little 'different' than other families.  We are just like you though...  we still live with a purpose.  Lincoln has just unveiled a different path we never knew existed, and now we rejoice in taking the road that is a little less travelled.  
  Happy Thanksgiving Canada!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great post and Happy Thanksgiving to you! Thanks for participating in 31 for 21! Your blog was highlighted on my FB page today:
